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March Lunchtime meeting


We have placed a booking for 12 at The Shoe Inn in Exton which is in the Meon Valley just north of Corhampton at 12 noon on Tuesday 22nd March.  The post code is SO32  3NT.  

February lunch meeting


See you all at The Rockingham Arms, West Wellow SO51 6DE at 12noon on 21st February.

Monthly Lunch


The January lunch is at 12 noon on Friday 21st January 2022 at the Hatchet Inn, Salisbury Road, Sherfield English SO51 6FP. All are welcome. Please let Malcolm know if you are attending.

On line Masses


You can access Mass on line on the following sites: PORTSMOUTH CATHEDRAL https://www.portsmouthcatholiccathedral also UK and Ireland /whats-on-now/

Southampton Catenians Logo

COVID 19 update


Please see the message from our Secretary. Due to the existing corona virus outbreak all Catenian meetings and social events are suspended until further notice.The circle’s council will hold intermittent council meetings  online. We will provide updates to you following these.At this stage it is hard to tell when normal proceedings can resume. Other circles have done […]